Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Today is the last actual fasting day. I get the basic fasting meal, that is, 200 kcal of liquid nutrition and I practice sports like crazy. I had lost 200 grams. The traditional Buchinger fast lasts three weeks. In the first two days you get used to the fast and the last two days you adapt to eating solid food again in small amounts. I have seen dishes of the adapting period, and they look unbelievably good although they are healthy. Below some pictures of the dishes.

Photos from the Buchinger Wilhelmi Facebook page.

If I had known before enrolling that I would feel this great I would have done everything to extend the fasting period. I’ve noticed that some of the customers of the clinic have their spouses with them. Others have even brought their pet (dog). The dog people stay in the row house-type of accommodation. Visitors are welcome at the clinic and can even stay overnight, but after three nights in a row the visitor must either participate in the fast and pay for it or go to sleep somewhere else, so that the fasting people can fast in peace.  

Smoking is prohibited at the clinic. If you smoke during the fast you must do it outside the clinic gates.

On my morning run my companion told me about a woman who had been very slim already on her arrival at the clinic, but who got so deeply enchanted by the fast that she kept booking extra days at the clinic to not having to stop fasting. She fasted for over a month, after which the clinic staff had to intervene and pressure her to stop it. I understand this woman very well.

They organize fasting periods for young plumps here. This program is directed to teenagers and young adults who don’t have mental health problems, just overweight. You can also come here to lighten. In that case you are served 1500 ckal of food. Many come for that program and lose five kilos already with this diet. Anorectics recovering from their illness have come to the clinic to learn how to eat. A little bit of everything is offered here.    

In this state of fasting the feeling is great. My skin is bright and my eyes clear. Even my hair seems shinier. My body is clearly happy in this state where the digestive system can rest - for the first time in nearly 40 years.

I participated in the healthy food cooking class today. You can elaborate very good looking food with vegetables. We didn’t eat the food we were taught to cook. I didn’t feel like it either. I could easily go and eat in the downstairs restaurant that is meant for the ones starting or finishing their fast. Without any problem I could sit there sipping on my small cup of soup with a tea spoon and watch others eat solid food. It wouldn’t feel bad at all. My desires have disappeared.

I enjoyed a wonderful massage today. Got a temptation of taking some extra treatments, too. They offer a great variety of them here, but I was too stingy to take any. In the spa area there is a marvelous steam sauna that is usually empty just when I go there. I get to lie down there alone in peace up till an hour.  

I’ve worked hard at the gym. Now I am back with the joy of healthy life, and practicing sports feels pleasant. I am a mother of small children. It is true: pregnancies and breast feeding change your body quite dramatically. It is a bit depressing when people might comment that you are in pretty good shape for being a mother of small children. Rather a flat compliment.

At this stage, when even my youngest child can eat and do all the necessities on his own, I think it’s useless trying to explain myself or others that as a mother I have the excuse of being a sloppy gourmand who only does the exercise sub product of other daily routines. That is how I used to justify my sedentarism. Usually it is possible to organize at least an hour every day for exercise while your spouse, friends, relatives or nanny looks after the kids.  

From now on I intend to get moving and go for a walk or run at least every other day. I can’t and don’t want to stop eating delights, but moderation is important, also in this gourmandism. Below a picture of what I have achieved with the fast and exercise in such a short time. For me this condition is already a considerable accomplishment. Of course I can and must tonify more. It has been really hard to lose 5-8 kilos before. In this clinic my weight has dropped rapidly and my muscles are noticeably stronger. The base is now good for a healthier life and for improving the physical condition.